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一、 KFC验厂审核内容 - 生产控制:
1 Are processes parameters with limits defined and monitored when applicable?
2 Are work instructions being used to implement effectively production and quality control?
3 Are limits/ acceptance criteria defined and used as reference during production quality control?
4 Are inspection records available?
5 Is rejected semi-product properly identified and segregated from accepted premiums?
6 Are work-in progress products in clean and good condition?
7 Are storage of work in progress kept away from walls and floor?

二、 KFC验厂审核内容 - 良好生产规范:
1. Are good manufacturing practices (GMP)/personal hygiene requirements posted?
2. Is hair restraint being used by all production related employee to cover all hair?
3. Are designated areas for employees eating, drinking or smoking well identified and separated from production areas?
4. Are clothing of production employees clean and tidy?
5. Are hand washing facilities adequate and being used?
6. Do personal items store away from production areas?
7. Are medical problems observed?
8. Are spaces of workstation adequate?
9. Is there unsafe work practices?

三、 KFC验厂审核内容 - 成品质量控制:
1. Are final products being effectively cleaned before packing?
2. Are client signed samples available for reference?
3. Is finished product quality control procedure available?
4. Are finished product inspection records available?
5. Are finished product inspection records traceable to production lots?
6. Are there designated areas for interim storage of finished product?
7. Are finished products in warehouse been inspected and met requirement?
8. Are storage of finished products kept away from walls and floor?

四、 肯德基验厂审核内容 - 利器控制:
1. Is there only one sharp tool distributed for each worker during production as needed?
2. Are all parts of sharp tooling retrieved when there is broken tool?
3. Are records of sharp tools distribution and records of broken tools maintained?
4. Have all products passed through metal detector which met Yum! Brands sensitivity requirements?

五、 肯德基验厂审核内容 - 工作环境:
1. Is lighting adequate in all production and inspection areas?
2. Is ventilation adequate in all production and inspection areas?
3. Is production equipment clean and in good condition away from possible product contamination?
4. Are floor, wall and ceiling in good condition for all production and storage areas?
5. Are production and storage areas free from pest activity?
6. Is hazard chemical stored away from production and premiums storage area?
7. Are there adequate spaces of passages in production areas?
8. Are the production areas in good order?
9. Do stock rooms and warehouses have controlled access for reasons of security and cleanliness?

六、 肯德基验厂审核内容 - 进料控制:
1. Is incoming quality control procedure available?
2. Are material specification/ purchasing order/ sample available for incoming quality control reference?
3. Are acceptance criteria defined and used as reference during incoming quality control?
4. Are inspection records available?
5. Are incoming materials traceable to sources of manufacturer?
6. Is rejected material properly identified and segregated from accepted material?
7. Are incoming materials in clean and good condition?
8. Are incoming materials protected from adverse environmental conditions and contamination?
9. Are there designated areas for interim storage of incoming raw materials?
10. Are storage of incoming raw materials kept away from walls and floor?

七、 KFC验厂审核内容 - 产品标识:
1. Do the specified code/ name adopt to identify product throughout production?
2. Is the product identification code traceable to bill of material/ purchasing order?
3. Does the product identification code include in quality record?
4. Are all material, WIP, and product labeled properly identified?


上一篇:肯德基涨价 同城不同价

Email: lm@leocorp.cn

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